
Every day, I use Feedly to peruse the latest posts on about 20 blogs. Some of these I’ve been following for several years, while others I’m reading for a limited time to learn. Here’s my current blogroll:

What else would you recommend that I add to my list?

Role Revisal

As of July 1, I will be voluntarily transitioning to a faculty-only role at Capital Seminary & Graduate School and handing off my Associate Dean/administrative responsibilities. I have learned a lot as an academic administrator the last 18 months but I am looking forward to focusing on teaching and writing, which are my greater strengths. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve Capital and the Church & Ministry Leadership department at Lancaster Bible College.

One of the biggest benefits of this transition is that I will have time to start blogging regularly again. For a season, there were more urgent work and family needs that required my time and attention. I look forward to returning to a regular writing rhythm. Thanks for sticking with me during my absence!


Long Time, No See

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted. The good news is that life and work have been very full: parenting two teenaged boys and celebrating 19 years of marriage, serving in ministry and living in community at our church, leading Capital’s site in Indianapolis and getting ready to launch our new cohort of 10-12 students ON MONDAY, preparing and teaching my usual load of courses, and providing general academic administration and leadership at Capital. The somewhat bad news is that blogging has had to take a back seat for a season.

Thanks for asking where I’ve been. I’m alive and very well, grateful for the many opportunities that are coming my way in work, life and ministry. Just last week I got to participate in a roundtable conversation with urban ministry leaders from around the country; encourage a church member who has discovered his God-given Big Dream; learn about an exciting new partnership for LBC | Capital that will impact 4,000 Ugandan pastors; offer encouragement to a grocery-store checkout lady; and hear from a student who is following God’s call to North Korea for prayer, reconciliation and counseling ministry among those people in this critical time.

God’s word to me at the end of 2014 was, “Stay open to whatever I have for you this coming year,” so I am staying away from too many plans (including the self-imposed deadline of a daily blog post) and paying attention to the people and tasks God brings my way each day. I pray that you also are experiencing the joy of hearing and responding to God’s call on your own life!