Leaving Leadership

A year ago during my annual end-of-year reflection, I didn’t hear any specific goals from God. Instead, I heard him tell me to just be available for whatever he had for me in 2015. As it turned out, that included the illness and death of both my mother- and father-in-law.

This year, God has given me clear direction: “I want you to leave leadership.” Since early October, this message has been unmistakable. I do not sense that he is asking me to give up influence per se (after all, that flows from who we are, not just what we do), but definitely to let go of the focus and field of leadership, at least for a time. The corresponding message I’ve heard, from Psalm 46:10: “Cease striving and know that I am God.”

So, that’s what I’m doing. I don’t know if this is a temporary “letting go” or a permanent “leaving,” but I’m OK with either. I am giving up a number of responsibilities and positions and declining new opportunities and invitations. I will stop blogging on leadership, although I’m keeping my old posts available on this site.

I have no idea where God will take me in the months ahead but I look forward to listening, learning and following.

On the Journey,

Angie Ward


Hold Loosely

The longer we have something, the more attached we get to it, and the more tightly we want to hold on to it. But a life of stewardship requires that we hold loosely to anything we have been given. This includes money and possessions, people and relationships, positions and titles, power and authority.

One way to not hold too tightly is to let things pass through our hands instead of holding on until our grip increases. Don’t claim it as your own; instead, realize it is just passing through, and your job is to make sure it ends up in the right place. You may hold it for just a few moments, or you may have to cradle it for years. But remember that at any time, you may be called to give up what is in your hands. Hold loosely and be looking for where you can give it away.


I Could Be Wrong

Are you comfortable saying that as a leader?

Last week, Jimmy Fallon asked Donald Trump if he has ever apologized for anything he said. After hemming and hawing a bit, Trump couldn’t think of an example but said he absolutely would apologize if he was ever wrong.

Leadership does not mean being right 100% of the time, or never admitting our own mistakes and failures. To the contrary, good leadership requires the courage, honesty and humility to say, “I could be wrong” or “I was wrong.” 


Every day, I use Feedly to peruse the latest posts on about 20 blogs. Some of these I’ve been following for several years, while others I’m reading for a limited time to learn. Here’s my current blogroll:

What else would you recommend that I add to my list?